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273 karty AD&D Collector Cards

Karty pochodzą z zestawu: 1992 Fantasy Collector Cards Set 2

Kod produktu: 1078

Karty ze złotą obwódką, czyli pochodzą z pierwotnych losowych zestawów, a nie ze srebrną czyli fabrycznie zapakowanych całych zestawów (reprintów)

W sprzedawanym zestawie znajduje się 208 różnych kart (pozostałe 65 to powielone, podwójnie karty)

Spis poniżej Stan: Bardzo dobry, Near Mint (wyjęte z boosterów)

numer nazwa liczba 339 Vigir Jarlsson 1 340 Jetter Novanion 1 341 Kaffa Novanion 1 383 Wethilion's Time Bomb 1 384 Udo's Belt of Flying 1 385 Zellot's Quill of Law 1 386 Sim's Prism of Light Splitting 2 387 Goerl's Portable Canoe and Tackle Box 2 388 Myl's Mouse Chariot 2 389 Jo's Liquid Road 1 390 Zen's Banner 1 391 Samzinna's Globe of Putrification 1 392 Ellister's Dimensional Mine 1 393 Noj's Claw of Magic Exchange 1 394 Chandrasakar's Air Spores 1 395 Skie's and Nolte's Locks and Bolts 1 396 Waterdeep - Fortified Independent City 1 397 Arabel - Fortified City of Cormyr 1 398 Berdusk - Independent City 1 399 Hillsfar - Independent City 1 400 Mulmaster - Independent City 1 401 Shadowdale - Independent Dale 1 402 Suzail - Capital of Cormyr 1 403 Tantras - Independent City 1 404 Zhentil Keep - Independent City-State 1 405 Eye of Vecna 1 406 Hand of Vecna 1 407 Ring of Winter 1 408 Heartwood Spear 1 409 Finder's Stone 1 410 Crown of Souls 1 411 Device of Time Journeying 1 412 Staff of Magius 1 413 Dragonlance 1 414 Garril Sotman 1 415 Caysmal 1 424 Katrina Von Brandthofen 1 425 Khenel Barony 1 426 Udo 1 427 Esu Kabloona 1 432 Stephie 1 433 Alakabon of the Legion 1 434 Omar Zargoma 1 435 Coyenny the Shark 1 436 Benhi the Leech 1 437 Barnel "the Cripple" 1 438 Violet Dindower 1 439 Snythe Clobertin 1 440 Lepidius Tragemandes 1 441 Bright Gaelea 1 442 Valiss of the Broken Arrow 1 443 Mithryl the Healer 1 444 Haedyll 1 445 Galfrey Kaarne 1 446 Celadae 1 447 Irongrod 2 448 Riccih Thicctoh 2 449 The Old Man 2 450 Trilliana 2 451 Sagus 2 452 Benson 2 453 Aldo Gladhand 2 454 Layla Necurrluf 2 455 Martha Bigbones (the Great) 2 456 Bilkon 2 457 Malrinth Alont 2 458 Nhar-del 2 459 Purity Valor 2 460 Kyriel Alathar Pellinore 2 461 Thaedran Meridian 2 462 Knightengale 2 463 Dame Doree and "Boy Howdee" 2 464 (Create Your Own) 1 465 (Create Your Own) 1 466 (Create Your Own) 1 467 (Create Your Own) 1 468 (Create Your Own) 1 469 (Create Your Own) 1 470 (Create Your Own) 1 471 (Create Your Own) 1 472 (Create Your Own) 2 473 Malto 2 474 Vierna 2 475 Dido 2 476 Woltor 2 477 Endemian 2 478 Checklist: 441–480 2 479 Checklist: 401–440 2 480 Checklist: 361–400 2 481 Shadowperson 2 482 Thanoi (Walrus Man) 2 483 Tylor 1 484 Wichtlin 1 536 (Create Your Own) 1 537 (Create Your Own) 1 538 (Create Your Own) 1 539 (Create Your Own) 2 540 (Create Your Own) 2 541 (Create Your Own) 1 542 (Create Your Own) 1 543 Pyros Silverbane 1 544 Shur 1 545 Saskan 1 546 Nhalvaen 1 547 Runjoye 1 548 Danelesty 1 549 Thogaf 1 550 Stobon 1 551 Jessie 1 552 Lipoec 1 553 Lortej Thul 1 554 Voluril Ocing 1 555 Kyrie 1 556 Wethilion 1 557 Dappledref 1 558 Jobinov 2 559 Thiawskeen 2 560 Jadethread 2 561 Haroistem 2 562 Kekond 2 563 Lecitalma 2 564 Snorpocis 2 565 Rumeltocey 2 566 Wesclodat the Aged 2 567 Thear 2 568 Ginsese 2 569 Dovanalo 2 570 Mistletan 2 571 Liana 2 572 Mantiera 2 573 Manawabe 2 574 Logan 1 575 Grindlethorpe 1 576 Burganet 2 577 Usteria 2 578 Lachesis 2 579 Atropos 2 580 Amuro 2 604 Assassin Imp 1 605 Quickwood 2 606 Reaver 2 608 Strahd's Skeletal Steed 2 610 Nightmare 2 611 Astereater 2 612 Chattur 1 613 Esthetic 1 614 Gravislayer 1 615 Jammer Leech 1 616 Plasman 1 618 Hook Horror 1 619 Taer 1 620 Sea Zombie 1 623 Pax's Medallion of Spell Exchange 1 624 Amulet of Perpetual Youth and Inexperience 1 628 Ring of Reversion 1 630 Jannis's Aroma of Nightmares 1 632 Maybel's Insect Charm 1 634 Nuggin's Cursed Ring of Armoring 1 635 Cursed Pick of Earth Partint 1 645 Greater Mummy (Undead) 1 646 Skeleton (Undead) 1 647 Odem (Undead) 1 648 Wight (Undead) 1 649 Wraith (Undead) 1 650 Geist (Undead) 1 651 Shadow (Undead) 1 652 Ghost (Undead) 1 653 Lich (Undead) 1 654 Azhul the Hasty 1 655 Anavias of the Split Rock 1 656 Chividal 1 657 Vaerhirmana 1 658 T'kkyl 1 659 Herminard the Eloquent (Road to Urik) 2 660 Quick Wenzer 2 661 Dlasva 1 662 Captain Kazhal 1 664 Barnabas 1 665 Kishiria 1 666 Zenobia 1 667 Chandrasakar 1 668 Gratillonius 1 669 Glitterback 1 672 Malfea Magekiller 1 674 Rigolio Margolondez 1 676 Barrom Quiverleaf 2 677 Viscountess El'abith 2 678 Master Elias Sturn 2 679 Belonda Artes 2 681 Archadamius Luciard 1 682 Nikham Penderbolt 1 683 Jallin / Teela 1 685 Vallo Downyheels 1 686 Boiyung 1 687 Hamhock 1 688 Babs 1 689 Alistair Will 1 690 Valluss 1 691 Verdina 1 693 Rhundas 1 694 Arta Artuu 1 695 Blonni-Sh'tah 1 696 Sabbagh 1 697 Maastik 1 698 Zallara 1 699 Qealli 1 700 Gnarppatus 1 701 Jackkagga Winden 1

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Oferta: 900f3bfc-9a10-4091-966c-250a116f7373

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