O przedmiocie

Filtr pochodzi z prywatnej kolekcji sprzętu fotograficznego mojego Taty. Na innych ogłoszeniach można kupić inne filtry.

Filtr wygląda bardzo dobrze, bez uszkodzeń, zarysowań czy obtarć na szkle i obudowie. Wygląda ja nieużywany.

Entry level neutral density filter that reduces the light to an equivalent of 1 f-stop. Equipped with a low-profile frame.

Neutral density (ND) filters are the most demanded and essential type of photographic filters for several reasons. For photographers, ND filters mean precise control of the amount of light passing through the lens for greater creative control over exposure. For video content creators, ND filters help immensely to set shutter speeds to match the frame-rate while maintaining the depth-of-field of the footage.

The HOYA NDX2 is an excellent ND filter with a great cost-performance and therefore especially recommended for beginners. It features a high-quality ND coating for an even light reduction across the visible light spectrum and a low-profile frame for a reduced chance of vignetting.

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Oferta: e0cd8f3a-c64f-4d5d-8cce-628e327df990

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