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Sprzedam kolekcjonerski bardzo wysokiej klasy magnetofon Marantz 80SD315
Na zachodzie osiąga ogromne CENY

Stan techniczny bardzo dobry.

Oferowany sprzęt jest sprawny:
bez żadnych problemów odtwarza, przewija, nagrywa.

Odsłuchiwany sporadycznie.
BARDZO rzadko występuje na rynku wtórnym, takie okazje nie często się zdarzają.

Wizualnie w stanie bardzo dobrym
Bez uszkodzeń
Posiada front z szczotkowanego aluminium

Najlepiej dzwonić lub napisać SMS:
504 --996 -- 123

Możliwy odbiór osobisty z możliwością odsłuchu i sprawdzenia
Mogę również też wysłać

Wygląda bardzo dobrze, cała guzikologja jest przejrzysta (ergonomiczna)

Dolby B/C
Dolby HX
dwie prędkości kopiowania nagrań i automatyczne wykrywanie rodzaju taśm.

Wyposażony jest w gniazdo mikrofonowe i słuchawkowe typu jack oczywiście posiada również wzmacniacz słuchawkowy

Wskazniki wysterowania led,
mechaniczny(analogowy) licznik i dwu silnikowe mechanizmy

System: czterościeżkowy/dwukanałowy stereo
System kasowania: kasowanie HF

Prędkość przesuwu: 4,8 cm/sek.
Silnik: 2x
Silnik pomocniczy: 2x DC

Rodzaj napędu: paskowy

Typ głowicy:
uniwersalna 2x Hartpermalloy;
Głowica kasująca 1x ferryt

Pasmo przenoszenia:
Normal: 20 - 18 000 Hz
Chrome: 20 - 18 000 Hz
Metal: 20 - 19 000 Hz

Szerokość: 42,0 cm
Wysokość: 13,5 cm
Głębokość: 30,0 cm

The capabilities of this Marantz deck are pretty much par for the course. The two transports are single direction devices, just one of which is capable of recording as well as playing back. Tape-to-tape dubbing can be performed at normal or double speeds, with single key starts to make this part of the package supremely easy to use. Timer controlled record and playback operations are invoked by a rotary knob at the bottom of the fascia; another switches the two Dolby noise reduction circuits: B and C. Dolby HX Pro is also part of the package.

The SD315 has a microphone input which can be mixed with a line feed if required, for example to record voiceovers as titles for taped musical compilations. There are also facilities to help make synchronised recordings from other Marantz components (usually a CD player and amplifier). On the other hand there are no tape search aids apart from a tape counter.

The Marantz feels solid and stable, and sits on shock absorbing feet to reduce microphony. Ergonomics come firmly in the ‘could do better’ category, though, and transport engagement is based on extremely noisy solenoids.

Sound Quality

Performance is good in parts. Curiously enough, the wow problem, which had been perfectly audible with certain instruments as a distinct and slightly drunken weaving of pitch, appeared to improve after a while, perhaps as the various moving parts bedded in. But flutter levels remained high. Percussion in particular had a coloured, splattered quality, and open, ambient recordings lost much of their airiness. Most notably, treble detail and energy was dulled, and this even with metal tapes which measured almost completely flat.

The odd Dolby C behaviour was matched by a compressed sound, with some very high frequency hiss apparent on many recordings. Dolby B sounded altogether more natural, and with Type I and II tapes, the Marantz acquitted itself a good deal better than the cheaper twin transport models in this month’s line-up. On the whole the SD315 did quite well with many orchestral recordings which are often recorded as though from some distance and which don’t provide too strenuous a test over the top octave or so. But close miked chamber music, female vocal and music involving upfront use of percussion were affected by the lack of top end openness.


A bit of a curate’s egg, the SD315 has a rather unconvincing user interface which will alienate many potential users who simply want a tool for a job and don’t want anything that requires much learning. Musically, it is about par for the course: better than some twin decks but not really good enough to challenge any half decent single transport model at the price. Worth considering.

Stan Ze śladami użytkowania
Marka Denon
Model 80SD315
Zgłoś naruszenie zasad
Oferta: 89addb7c-5d41-4f59-87ed-d9e3618b7965

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