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Mario Gonzalez Chavajay obraz olejny "Leñador too Santos"

Rozmiar: 20,5 x 18 cm

Matías Gonzalez Chavajay’s family sent him away to school in Antigua Guatemala to get a high school degree, but, fascinated by the street painters there, he returned home to San Pedro to learn painting from his older brother Mariano, already a “primitivistic“ painter. Recognizing their special ability, Matias and Mariano’s eldest brother Benjamin left his job as a schoolteacher to promote their art. Soon, their careers prospered with exhibitions all over Guatemala and also in Mexico, Chile, and Japan. Matías’ paintings exhibit a delightful naivete absent from the work of other local painters. Besides his fine art paintings which he calls obras originales, he enjoys painting quick little paintings for the tourist galleries.

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