O przedmiocie

A powerful young sheng pu'er with an interesting profile and good balance from large trees (Da Shu) from the vicinity of the famous Mengku Mountain.
Was stored for two years in a damp warehouse, as externally evidenced by the color of the pancake, as well as stains on the packaging.
Aroma: bright, floral aroma that opens up in the washed out state with notes of lingonberry jam. Intoxicatingly sweet aroma from an empty drinking bowl.
The infusion is a light translucent shade due to the large amount of lint on the tea leaf, which is characteristic of early spring picking. In the taste and aroma, pleasant natural notes are clearly visible.
Taste: dense and rich, with a floral-honey profile and juicy fruit notes, woody bitterness and a juicy, refreshing aftertaste. The aftertaste has spicy sweet notes of turmeric and raw carrot.
It has a tonic effect, clarifies thoughts and gives pleasant sensations to the body. It has a preventive effect against many diseases. Promotes better digestion and cleanses the body. Excellent thirst quencher.
Effects: powerful, tonic, refreshing.
Production: Spring 2018, Mengku Mountain vicinity, Linqiang County, Yunnan Province, China. Yunnan, China.

Stan Nowy
Nazwa handlowa Yunnan Puer Bandong, 2018 357g.
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