O przedmiocie

Oferuję oryginalny historyczny kalkulator wyprodukowany we wschodnich Niemczech w okresie od 1979 roku do połowy lat 80 XX wieku.

Kalkulator jest sprawny. Ma zalanie na części ekranu ciekłokrystalicznego.

The main problem with calculators made in socialist countries was that most of its components weren't available from socialist sources, rather from western companies. So the available western currencies didn't allow larger series to be assemble, with a few exceptions. RFT in the German Democratic Republic started with assembling calculators from foreign components (Minirex series from 1973), later it was replaced by components partly from russian cooperation (Konkret series). In 1979, an agreement between RFT and Toshiba allowed manufacturing LCD calculators from japanese components. Later, these parts were replaced by domestic licensed products, so in the middle of 1980s, all of the MR series were built by east-german parts.

The most compicated model, the MR 610 was identical to Toshiba SLC-8300. Toshiba T3636 CPU was replaced by domestic U826G, and Epson liquid crystal displays were replaced by east-german variations.

Stan Ze śladami użytkowania
Oryginalność oryginał
Dekada lata 80. XX w.
Kraj/region powstania Niemcy
Rok produkcji 1980
Zgłoś naruszenie zasad
Oferta: 8964eb4b-6a0d-4ca3-b256-f587baa722a9

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