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Lp. Date Company
1 01-04-1930 The Lehigh And Navigation Company.
2 17-01-1978 Metex Corporation.
3 12-06-1978 Pueblo International, Inc.
4 03-03-1979 Monmouth Park Jockey Club.
5 14-03-1980 Barry Wright Corporation.
6 14-10-1980 Barry Wright Corporation.
7 29-03-1991 Phl Corp inc.
8 01-01-1961 Jefferson Stores, Inc.
9 01-01-1931 Seatrains Lines, Inc.
10 30-04-1978 Perkin-Elmer Corporation.
11 12-06-1976 Jantzen inc.
12 01-01-1928 Corron & Black Corporation.
13 31-03-1977 Liggett Group Inc.
14 01-03-1975 Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc.
15 24-03-1975 The Babcock & Wilcox Company.
16 02-04-1975 Ligget & Myers Incorporated.
17 16-05-1973 Gac Corporation.
18 04-04-1974 Metex Corporation.
19 14-05-1974 Liggett & Myers Incorporated.
20 08-08-1973 Liggett & Myers Incorporated.
21 15-06-1974 Morton-Norwich products, inc.
22 13-12-1968 The Western Union - telegraph company.
23 21-08-1969 American Standard Inc.
24 20-12-1968 The Western Union - telegraph company.
25 19-03-1969 Pan American World Airways, Inc.
26 05-02-1959 International Telephone And Telegraph Corporation.
27 30-06-1969 The Western Union - telegraph company.
28 30-10-1969 Seatrains Lines, Inc.
29 19-11-1969 Air Reduction Company, Incorporated.
30 29-03-1948 Morton-Norwich products, inc.
31 31-08-1970 Pvc Container Corporation.
32 01-06-1961 Ligget & Myers Incorporated.
33 13-12-1971 Builders Investment Group.
34 01-12-1971 The Babcock & Wilcox Company.
35 08-03-1971 Arlen Realty & Development Corp.
36 30-04-1971 Westvaco Corporation.
37 07-09-1971 Rapid-American Corporation.
38 14-12-1971 Builders Investment Group.
39 04-11-1971 Pueblo International, Inc.
40 31-07-1972 Corron & Black Corporation.
41 10-05-1972 King's Deparment Stores, Inc.
42 07-03-1972 Wtc Air Freight
43 07-04-1972 Wtc Air Freight
44 16-05-1972 King's Deparment Stores, Inc.
45 29-11-1972 Builders Investment Group.
46 14-12-1972 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
47 27-11-1972 Pan American World Airways, Inc.
48 07-06-1972 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company.
49 22-05-1967 West Virigina Pulp and Paper Company.
50 09-10-1968 Pan American World Airways, Inc.
51 08-02-1967 South Coast Life Insurance Company.
52 14-04-1968 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company.
53 14-04-1968 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company.
54 01-03-1968 Miehle - Goss - Dexter, Incorporated.
55 24-04-1968 Eastern Gas And Fueal Associates.
56 26-06-1968 Pan American World Airways, Inc.
57 27-04-1968 Glen Alden Corporation.
58 28-02-1962 Universal American Corporation.
59 19-06-1964 Pan American World Airways, Inc.
60 18-04-1964 Ligget & Myers Incorporated.
61 14-07-1964 North American Aviation, Inc.
62 31-08-1964 International Telephone And Telegraph Corporation.
63 23-02-1965 The Crowell-Collier Publishing Company.
64 18-06-1965 International Telephone And Telegraph Corporation.
65 05-10-1966 International Telephone And Telegraph Corporation.
66 31-01-1966 Eaton & Howard Balanced Fund.
67 28-01-1966 Ligget & Myers Incorporated.
68 28-03-1966 Peabody Coal Company
69 01-01-1949 Transcoastal Industires Corp.
70 03-08-1967 Western Union International, Inc.
71 10-05-1950 The Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
72 26-02-1952 The Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
73 22-10-1952 The Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
74 31-12-1952 The Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
75 18-12-1956 Rockwell Spring And Axle Company.
76 12-12-1955 Ligget & Myers Incorporated.
77 18-08-1957 Rockwell Spring And Axle Company.
78 10-04-1957 Rockwell Spring And Axle Company.
79 01-01-1961 Permator Corporation.
80 04-01-1949 Monmouth Park Jockey Club.
81 28-12-1948 Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation.
82 18-08-1944 The Lehigh And Navigation Company.
83 15-01-1937 Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation.
84 18-01-1928 International Safety Razor Corporation.
85 07-01-1926 Ligget & Myers Incorporated.
86 12-06-1928 International Safety Razor Corporation.
87 17-06-1974 New England Telephone And Telegraph Company.